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Birth Stories

Rave reviews!

I am an independent midwife working for the London Birth Practice. We refer a lot of women to you and have had rave…


Hi KatharineJust wanted to say thank you for a wonderful course. I’ve been reading the Hynobirthing book you gave us and that along…

Charlotte’s positive homebirth

Adam and I attended your hypnobirthing classes on Sunday July 5th and 12th and I just wanted to drop you an email to…


I wanted to let you know that we had a wonderful birth and we all wanted to thank you as we are convinced…


Zeb was born on 13th October (3 days after his due date) at home. My surges started at 7pm on the 12th Oct…


This has taken me so long to write… I attended your course at triyoga and gave birth in March 2007 using the techniques…


Dear Katharine Thank you so much for all your support a couple of weeks ago, it was really a lifeline when I felt absolutely at my lowest.  You mad…

Mira and Nolan

Dear Katharine A million thanks for all your teaching!  He’s so calm – its gorgeous! Love and gurglesMira and Nolan
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