Free Q&A session for healthcare professionals
An invite to all healthcare professionals! Join us for an informal Q&A about KG Hypnobirthing.
If you work in a hospital, for an NHS Trust, are a midwife, student Midwife or Health Care Professional, you would have heard of KG Hypnobirthing! Did you know we run training courses for health care workers to help you understand what KG Hypnobirthing is, how it works and help you in your day to day work to support parents during pregnancy, labour and birth? It makes your working life so much better and gives the women in your care a positive birth experience.
Date: Wednesday 4th October at 7pm
Find out more about hypnobirthing and ask any questions you may have with our KG team:
- Katharine Graves (Founder of KGH)
- Maureen Collins (NHS Training Consult for KGH)
- Nancy Keen (KGH Senior Trainer)
Simply complete the form below and we will send you the Zoom link to join us on 4th October.
“This course brought back the vision that brought me into the profession in the first place.” NHS Midwife.