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Nancy Keen is a mother, KGHypnobirthing (KGH) trainer and teacher. She runs Birth Right Hypnobirthing and has been a teacher trainer with KGH for m…
Kemi Johnson is a KGHypnobirthing (KGH) trainer, teacher and an independent midwife.  She runs Birth Joy and has been a trainer with KGHypnobi…
Following her hypnobirthing teacher training course in Glasgow in April 2017, Abi Pratt has been delivering a variety of KGHypnobirthing classes ar…
Deborah Hanson is a KGHypnobirthing teacher, a midwife, a specialist midwife in infant feeding and a birth trauma practitioner as well as being mot…
Flexibility is the key for Emma Bryant, KGHypnobirthing teacher living in Dorset.  As soon as she had completed the hypnobirthing teacher trai…
“Birthing Archie was the best moment of my life and I feel that this is something I must help to share with other women. I am beaming with exciteme…
If you are wondering what it is really like being a hypnobirthing practitioner, read this extensive article about Vicki Youdan, KGHypnobirthing tea…
I am a midwife with 10 years experience and I recently had a baby. I have seen the wonder that is hypnobirthing as…

“You will find that teaching KGHypnobirthng is supremely satisfying and a massive privilege. It’s fun too. Birth is the most important event of a baby’s life, and giving birth is one of the most important events of a woman’s life. As a kgh teacher you have made a difference to a baby that could last a lifetime. You will love the course, and when you receive the first birth report from a woman you taught you will truly understand the positive difference you have made to someone’s life.”

Katharine Graves,
Founder of KGHypnobirthing
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