Free Resources
KGH Fact Sheets
In pregnancy and to achieve the best possible birth you need to make important choices. Sometimes you may feel under pressure and it is difficult to get factual and impartial information.
We have put together these resource sheets on important topics such as induction of labour, breech babies, older mothers and many more to point you towards well-informed articles, blogs and books so you can have confidence that you have the knowledge to make the best choice for you and your baby.
Women can be unnecessarily stressed by the threat of a big baby. No-one knows how big your baby is until it is born and weighed. The guidelines say that we do not induce for a big (or little) baby. Relaxation and position when you give birth are more important than the size of your baby. If you have been told that your baby is large, you will want to find out the facts. Some babies, like some people, are naturally large; some may need extra help. You can find the information you need to clarify your mind on your own situation by reading the evidence-based articles on this resource sheet if you are worried or if an intervention is suggested.
If your baby was conceived with the help of IVF or other form of assisted conception you will be treated as if you have a high risk pregnancy. In fact, once your baby is conceived, your birth is the same as any other. This resource sheet contains articles which normalise an IVF conception and answer questions you may have about the health and wellbeing of IVF births and babies.
If you have ever sunk into a warm bath with a sigh of relief you already understand how comforting giving birth in water can be. Wherever you choose to give birth, waterbirth is widely available in the UK and more and more throughout the world. Warm water during labour helps you to relax and optimises the neuro hormonal response to birth – increasing oxytocin, reducing fear and tension and therefore promoting physiological birth. Labour is likely to be shorter, and you are less likely to tear. This resource sheet has links to articles to tell you all the facts about giving birth in water birth.)
KGH Free Resources
Being in a relaxed and positive frame of mind is hugely beneficial for both you and your baby. The Magic Carpet Audio will boost your confidence, help you relax and is one of the first steps on your journey to enjoying a calm and comfortable birth.
During a hypnobirthing course you will enjoy a number of other relaxation audios. Enjoy this free relaxation here – sit back, relax and enjoy!
The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves is your complete guide to childbirth making the birth of your child the most wonderful and uplifting experience of both your lives.
The book describes what happens to your body during pregnancy and childbirth, empowering you to listen to your body giving you the tools to help you to achieve a calm and confident birth. Enjoy the first chapter of The Hypnobirthing Book for free here.
Use this free relaxation to help you control your pregnancy sickness. This audio perfectly demonstrates the power of the mind and I do hope this helps relieve your sickness symptoms.”