You and your partner are very welcome to our Hypnobirthing courses in Bath, Keynsham, Bristol, Somerset and the surrounding area.
Hypnobirthing is a powerful ante-natal practice that uses techniques of self-hypnosis, deep relaxation, breathing, massage and education. It dispels the myths about labour and birth, empowers parents-to-be to make the choices that are right for them, and helps break the fear-tension-pain cycle, which can promote shorter, less painful (sometimes pain-free) births with less intervention.
Hypnobirthing gives mums-to-be confidence in themselves and their bodies and releases fears arising from stories they’ve heard or from previous pregnancies. It gives dads-to-be and birth partners techniques that enable them to play an active role in labour and birth and provide the support that expectant mothers need. And for babies it’s a relaxing experience as they make the transition from one world into another.
Our courses are suitable for every type of birth and we also offer a lifetime commitment guarantee which means that after your course you are welcome to attend any other hypnobirthing course (space permitting) free of charge!
Your hypnobirthing instructor, Emma Farrell is an experienced practitioner who also has the benefit of being a specialist pregnancy yoga teacher. The hypnobirthing teacher training Emma received has been accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and she is a member of The Hypnobirthing Association.