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Emma Farrell – Hypnobirthing Courses

You and your partner are very welcome to our Hypnobirthing courses in Bath, Keynsham, Bristol, Somerset and the surrounding area.

Hypnobirthing is a powerful ante-natal practice that uses techniques of self-hypnosis, deep relaxation, breathing, massage and education. It dispels the myths about labour and birth, empowers parents-to-be to make the choices that are right for them, and helps break the fear-tension-pain cycle, which can promote shorter, less painful (sometimes pain-free) births with less intervention.

Hypnobirthing gives mums-to-be confidence in themselves and their bodies and releases fears arising from stories they’ve heard or from previous pregnancies. It gives dads-to-be and birth partners techniques that enable them to play an active role in labour and birth and provide the support that expectant mothers need. And for babies it’s a relaxing experience as they make the transition from one world into another.

Our courses are suitable for every type of birth and we also offer a lifetime commitment guarantee which means that after your course you are welcome to attend any other hypnobirthing course (space permitting) free of charge!

Your hypnobirthing instructor, Emma Farrell is an experienced practitioner who also has the benefit of being a specialist pregnancy yoga teacher. The hypnobirthing teacher training Emma received has been accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and she is a member of The Hypnobirthing Association.


Emma started teaching hypnobirthing after requests from her pregnancy yoga students, gained her hypnobirthing qualification with the Hypnobirthing Association and Katharine Graves and then put what she had learnt into practice during her own pregnancy and labour.

She completed her yoga teacher training with the Sivananda organisation and pregnancy training with Yoga Campus. She is also a qualified reflexologist, trained to the highest qualification level with the Central London College of Reflexologists and is also an Emergency First Response (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) Instructor Trainer.

She is fully insured and a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the national voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners in the UK.

She is passionate about informing and empowering couples through her hypnobirthing courses to have a positive birthing experience which is uniquely right for them.

‘Emma is really lovely. I found the hypnobirthing sessions relaxing, enjoyable and informative. They really helped me to engage with my partner and appreciate what she was going through during birthing.’

– Norman L.

‘We haven’t officially announced it yet but I just wanted to tell you our baby boy arrived at 11.22 this morning at home, in water all as planned, Currently in the golden hour on the sofa and extending for as long as poss! he’s latched on and I’m not letting go of him…

I can’t even begin to thank you for what you’ve been able to give me. I did it all thanks to you and I am so grateful.

I did it!

– Hannah P

‘In the run-up to the birth, work was really stressful and the hypnobirthing sessions with Emma gave me the breathing space I needed to relax, de-stress, and mentally prepare myself. The labour was a bit stop-start but I felt in control at all times and in the end the birth was very straight-forward!’

– Chris B

‘I left your classes feeling inspired and empowered to give birth in my local cottage hospital. I had excellent care and minimal intervention/assessment and the whole process was really calm with just myself, my husband and a midwife in the delivery suite. The birth pool was unavailable but I laboured on all 4’s which was as comfy as I think I could have been, managing with my TENS machine and some gas and air! I am convinced that had I gone to the hospital I would have probably ‘needed’ a ventouse delivery as she was a little reluctant to enter the world! As it turned out she just needed a little time and gentle encouragement! Thanks again for the excellent classes which I really enjoyed!’

– Vicky M

‘It could not have gone better, Amy will tell you all about it. You helped so much, so grateful! Amy arrived 8cm at 6.30pm, 1 1/2 hours in pool he arrives. Thanks Emma and see you soon!’

– Tim G

‘Ava born 8.26pm, 11lbs (no I am not kidding), very short labour, only gas and air needed during transition stage, no stitches or tears. Hypnobirthing definitely works! Best birth I have had despite not being at home!’

– Clare S

‘I just wanted to let you know that at 3.23pm yesterday afternoon we had a beautiful little boy called Tom. He weighed 6lb 10oz and the birth was fab which I largely put down to you. I finally got the water birth I’d always wanted and remained calm thanks to the hypnobirthing breathing golden thread breath and Dan using the back stroking technique. The midwives were really respectful of what we were doing and just stood back and let me get on with it, only stepping into the room when I said I was ready to push. I used a little gas and air after transition but it took just two contractions to breathe Tom out. My experience this time was so different to my last two births and I really think this is largely because you’d given me not only the right tools but the confidence to use them. I also think it was because Dan had more confidence to use the techniques we’d practiced.’

– Laura H

‘Bryn was born on 20 June weighing a whopping 8 lb 15oz. As I said in my last email, hypnobirthing was my saviour, allowing me to get through 17 hours of active labour. Throughout the whole process (or so I am told), I was able to remain calm and focussed on my breathing. When we first transferred to RUH, Huw had to explain to the midwife (who needed me to speak to give consent) that I wasn’t in some kind of trance – I was just very calm!

The elements of the course that dealt with decisions, planning and processing information was very useful. Every time we were faced with a decision, we were able to process it according to benefits/risks/alternatives etc. Despite the birth escalating quite a bit, I don’t think there was ever a stage where we felt that the power had been taken from us, or that the staff were acting without consent. We initially thought our birth plan had gone ‘out the window’ once we were transferred to RUH, but when we reviewed it a few days later, we found that it had actually stuck to the plan (it had just gone down the contingency routes we had written in: “If I am transferred…”, “If an epidural is necessary” etc). That gave us a great structure to work with, and made us a feel much better about how things had gone.

We said at the start of the course that we wanted a ‘toolkit’ for the birth, and the breathing, visualisation and massage gave us just that – indeed, it became more important to use these tools once the process became more complicated. These techniques were invaluable and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone who was expecting a baby.’

– Louise M

Emma, just wanted to say a big ‘thank you’ for such relaxing yoga classes and the helpful hypnobirthing course. They both played a HUGE part in keeping me relaxed mentally throughout a busy pregnancy and calm and focussed during labour. We now have a chilled little angel so can’t thank you enough for your help and guidance!’

– Laura C

Dear Emma, thank you for everything!!!

– Nicola H

Dear Emma, thanks for everything! Hopefully we will see you again soon!

– Greg C

Dear Emma, I really can’t thank you enough for all your help and support in us achieving our perfect birth and our perfect boy! You gave me so much confidence in working hard in body and mind which I am positive made the experience so special! Lots of love and see you in a few weeks!

– Amy G

NEXT COURSE please visit

Our courses offer flexibility, being held during the week or at weekends, and space permitting, you can complete sessions as part of another course. If you have completed a course in the past with another teacher and with to have a refresher with Emma then this can also be arranged.

Course numbers are always kept small.

You are also welcome to bring along another birth supporter such as mum or friend free of charge!

All our courses include:

Hypnobirthing textbook

Affirmations and relaxation recordings

Breathing recording

Comprehensive handouts from each session

Email and phone support up to labour

Vouchers for half price pregnancy yoga class* and £5 off pregnancy reflexology session

Lifetime commitment guarantee (spaces permitting, when you have done a course you are welcome to join any other course run by us free of charge!)

The next course dates are:

Saturday 13th December 2014

Sunday 14th December 2014


The Practice Rooms, 26 Upper Borough Walls, Bath, BA1 1RH

Private courses are also available on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evenings.