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KG Hypnobirthing Teacher Directory - Cheshire

Our accredited hypnobirthing teachers in Cheshire will give you the confidence to know you will find someone qualified who we trust to help you achieve the birthing of your baby that you are looking for.
Why Choose a Hypnobirth?
Hypnobirthing is a recognised method of natural childbirth which promotes a far more calm birthing through the teaching of hypnosis techniques to relax the mother.  This reduces the likelihood of intervention through pain relief and also results in a more relaxed, less stressed, baby.
Accredited Teachers

All of the teachers have trained in an KG Hypnobirthing Teacher Training and have been assessed prior to receiving accreditation from us, to ensure they meet the highest standards we demand of all our practitioners. This ensures they are highly experienced in teaching hypnobirthing methods to expectant mothers, so you can feel you are in very safe hands.
Our Core Principles
All of our members sign up to our set of core principles when they join us, demonstrating their commitment to promoting quality hypnobirthing practices.  They are all also strong advocates of complementary birthing techniques who are keen to see natural childbirth grow in popularity among mothers about to give birth.

Learn more about hypnobirthing.

Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Laura Davies
55 Sandington Drive Cuddington, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 2ZA, England
Manchester, England
Claire Whitehouse
3b Winnington Lane Northwich, Cheshire Cw9 4DE, England
Lancashire, England
April Wild
2 Bridge Street, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 1AY, England
Carole Clipsom
13 Rugby Drive Tytherington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2JD, England
Derbyshire, England
Kim Crowe
Beehive Healthcare Northgate Avenue, Chester, Cheshire CH2 2DX, England
Sarah Fitzsimmons
Mezzanine floor Warrington Market, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 2NT, England
Manchester, England
Heather Coppard
Bramhall, Stockport, Cheshire, England