Janine has a strong commitment to normalising birth. “My experiences as a Midwife have helped me to have an understand the importance of the strong mind and body connection when women are birthing. Women who are more relaxed and confident in their birthing bodies have a better birth experience. As a complementary therapist I see the adverse physical and emotional effects of stress and anxiety and have seen how relaxation and breathing techniques can positively improve health and well being.”
Hypnobirthing is a way for you, your birthing partner and your baby to have a positive, gentle experience of birth.
The mind body connection with birth has long been acknowledged in many cultures. Cultures such as the Native Americans would use rituals and contemplation as a means of preparation for birth.
Dr. Grantley Dick-Read, often referred to as the Father of Natural Childbirth acknowledged the connection between fear and pain as far back as 1933 in his book ‘Childbirth Without Fear’.
The KG Hypnobirthing Course teaches you and your birthing partner the importance of replacing fear with confidence during birth. You will learn to understand that just as fear and tension can affect the birthing body on a physiological level and make birth a difficult process, conversely confidence and relaxation can enable the birthing body to work easily and efficiently, hence why Hypnobirths have a reputation for being easier and quicker.
Many couples find upon completing the Hypnobirthing Course that they have a deep confidence in the birthing body and are free of negative thoughts around birth. This together with the relaxation techniques mean you and your birthing partner can look forward to a gentle, calm birth for both you and your baby.
Hypnosis is simply deep relaxation (a similar feeling to daydreaming or becoming focused in a good book or a film). During birth you will be aware and totally in control but deeply relaxed and calm. This calmness brings with it a clear mind for staying in control as well as being aware of the changes in your birthing body and being able to make decisions.
Hypnobirthing is centred on releasing fear and building confidence in the natural process of birth through practising relaxation techniques and being well informed so you can make the best choices about your care.