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Lesley Feilder –

20 Park Road, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2NL, England

I am a qualified KG Hynobirthing Teacher  ( course is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives) and a  Recognised Birth Doula.  Teaching pregnant women to understand what is happening, and why, to their body during labour and birth means it is possible for them to have a profound and empowering birth experience  (and can sometimes be painfree) , and as a Birth Doula I am invited to be with them on their journey into parenthood when they experience one of the most profound events of their lives.


My name is Lesley and I live in Haslemere, Surrey .

Before I had children I wanted to work in the neonatal world and in 2008, when my children were old enough,  I enrolled onto an Access to Nursing & Health Professions course at Guildford College, my aim was to become a midwife but my circumstances changed and that was no longer an option for me.

When I heard about Doulas for the first time (after I finished my Access course in 2010) I did some research into the role  of a Birth Doula and  felt the ethos sat very comfortably with my own belief that childbirth is a natural process which, given the right  tools and emotional suport, means it is possible for women to come through their own birth experience with precious memories of a primitive and wonderful experience to treasure all their lives.

As a qualified KG Hypnobirthing teacher I teach pregnant couples how to give themselves the best chance of the birth experience they are hoping for .  The sense of empowerment for a woman who understands what is happening  and why to her body in pregnancy, labour and birth, can be amazing and should be available to all women.

Being invited onto a couple’s journey into parenthood is an amazing privilege and  I can offer you support in the form of  practical help, emotional support (you may need both in varying amounts) and hypnobirthing techniques that can be used as coping skills in other potentially stressful life situations throughout  your life.  I offer non-judgemental up to date signposting during the antental, birth and immediate post-natal period, as you adjust to your beautiful new addition.

I&M: “Thank you for literally being the best Hypno-doula !”

E&P: “We can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us. I genuinely was not expecting the change in me to be this great after your hypnobirthing course … ”

Jay: “Having Lesley as my birth doula completely changed my experience of the birth of my baby and pregnancy! She coached me through hypnobirthing which was so special me as this is something I really wanted. Lesley would go through some of the hypnobirthing scripts which really helped me relax and prepare mentally for my birth – she explained everything so simply to me and reassured me that this is what my body is made to do. Everything I needed for a positive birth Lesley made sure I had it including knowledge about my birth and my birth choices to ensure I always made an informed decision. …”

D&J: “Thank you so much for guiding us through the KG Hypnobirthing course! It was brilliant. I went in thinking epidural and now feel totally confident and excited for a natural birth …”

C&N: “Really understanding how the mind and body work together is encouraging and empowering – took a lot of the fear away and I’ve been inspired to use meditation in my day to day life now which helps with stress. I particularly appreciated Lesley’s open-minded approach to applying the techniques to c-section when the birth proposal went out the window! Many of my friends felt failure after doing hypnobirthing then having a c-section but I felt it helped me and I still had a positive birth experience.”

A&M: ” … wanted to say a BIG thank you for being such a brilliant hypnobirthing coach and support over the last few months …”

V&J: ” … Lesley was our hypnobirthing teacher so together with being our birth doula as well she helped us feel very prepared, relaxed and excited about the birth. She helped us with consideratios for the labour that we would not necessarily have thought about if we hadn’t done her course. Lesley is very approachable and easy to chat to. She is extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of the birth and also very enthusiastic and emotionally involved in our journey which was a great comfort …”

H&D: “I highly recommend this course to anyone. We found it very informative and helpful and we loved all of it – the music, relaxations, affirmations and all the facts about what is happening. I am a lot more aware of keeping calm, sitting correctly and the importance of practising breathing.”

K&J: “The biggest thank you to Lesley for the love, support, education and positivity over the last few months on our journey to a positive birth experience/welcoming our daughter into the world at home. From the very first call, Lesley was understanding of our worries/aims and did everything she could to help us build a positive and empowered mindset and achieve the birth of our dreams. Through educating us on the science behind birth, providing us with tools to practice before birth and guiding us on what to do during the different stages of birth, Lesley enabled us to feel confident (and even excited) for our baby’s birth. This confidence and Lesley’s amazing guidance on the day allowed us to stay calm and focused during the birth which we believe was fundamental in allowing the body to naturally bring our little girl into the world. The biggest thank you for the priceless gift of an experience we’ll remember for the rest of our lives.”

A & B:  “Lesley did a fantastic job of preparing us for our first birth and being our Birth Doula.  Without Lesley’s support this would have been much harder and at times very scary.  We are so incredibly grateful to Lesley “

Reiki 1 – This is a wonderful relaxation tool to use both during the ante-natal period and the birth process.  Its healing benefits are well-known both spritually and physically.

3 step rewind (birth trauma) Practitioner .  Has been shown to help clients reframe traumatic experiences (including birth trauma which can lead to PTSD) so that the experience can be archived safely away in the storage part of the brain (hippocampus) from the charged trauma part of the brain (amygdala).

NLP course for Birth Practitioners

Nurturing Birth Doula course  –  Highgate, London – February 2011