KG Hypnobirthing
Teacher Information
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How Do I Train to be a Hypnobirthing Teacher?
There are several different courses available to learn how to be a hypnobirthing instructor, teacher or practitioner.
How to choose a hypnobirthing teacher training course
Choosing a hypnobirthing course which is right for you depends on what you want and how you wish to use the qualification– do you want it to supplement your midwifery or hypnotherapy practice or run your own hypnobirthing business? Look at the differences in hypnobirthing teacher training courses to compare them…
Hypnobirthing Teacher Training
Are you thinking about becoming a hypnobirthing teacher? Do you want to experience the satisfaction of supporting pregnant women with hypnobirthing? Maybe you have experienced first-hand the power of hypnobirthing and the difference it made to you when you gave birth, or you have been inspired by stories from friends and want to get qualified to teach hypnobirthing. Become involved in this hypnobirthing positive birth revolution and you can enable women to have the birth of their choice. For pregnant women and their partners, finding out what they need to know is the first step to an empowering birth. This is where hypnobirthing teachers can make a real difference in the lives of women, their partners and the baby’s calm arrival into the world…
“You will find that teaching KGHypnobirthng is supremely satisfying and a massive privilege. It’s fun too. Birth is the most important event of a baby’s life, and giving birth is one of the most important events of a woman’s life. As a kgh teacher you have made a difference to a baby that could last a lifetime. You will love the course, and when you receive the first birth report from a woman you taught you will truly understand the positive difference you have made to someone’s life.”
Katharine Graves,
Founder of KGHypnobirthing
Founder of KGHypnobirthing
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