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Laura Tomalin – Confident Birth Hypnobirthing

Nanhurst Estate, Elmbridge Road, Cranleigh, Surrey, England

Hello, I’m Laura, a certified hypnobirthing teacher in the Surrey Hills area. As a mother of two soon-to-be three, I’ve been lucky enough to experience the amazing benefits of hypnobirthing. I’m passionate about helping mothers have positive birth experiences and showing that birth doesn’t have to be feared at all. It’s a natural and beautiful process that our bodies are designed for, but it is important our mind accepts this reality too. Together, we’ll work together to make sure your mind and body work in harmony for the special day. I’m excited you are considering hypnobirthing—it’s truly the best way to prepare for your baby’s arrival.


Helping mothers work towards the best possible birth experience is my passion. Creating a welcoming and secure environment is the most important thing to me when teaching hypnobirthing. It’s important couples know I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share this incredible knowledge, especially as a mother of two, soon to be three. As a teacher I like to think of myself as friendly/warm and I do have a relaxed approach and will try not to just talk at you for all our sessions. What you think/feel matters. Hypnobirthing isn’t something you try learning a little bit, it’s something you embrace entirely for it to be most effective and, truly, it always works when you do. 

With each pregnancy, I revisit and relearn hypnobirthing—it is a practice that always brings joy and serenity. Prior to learning hypnobirthing, a genuine sense of calmness was almost impossible for me. My mind was always in too many places at one time and I was a chronic overthinker. I was never able to focus on the present moment for any length of time. Hypnobirthing practices are something I use daily. I am able to isolate parts of my life and enjoy it! Hypnobirthing has helped me achieve so much more than just two wonderful births.


Beyond hypnobirthing, I have a passion for trail running, cycling, gardening, and practicing yoga. I also love to make things whether that’s candles, soap or dried flower art, flower arranging – anything. Apart from cakes – I’m a terrible baker.

Nature is my sanctuary as it always offers healing and rejuvenation. I feel so lucky to have beautiful green open spaces on my doorstep. You’ll often find me immersed in the great outdoors, with one child either hitching a ride on my front/back or peacefully napping in the XC running buggy.

“Laura has been a blessing in our life. Not only is she an amazing teacher, but she’s now a great friend. When I discovered I was pregnant, I was overwhelmed with irrational fear about childbirth. However, after just one session with Laura, my perspective shifted entirely. With each lesson, I grew more excited, realising that birth was nothing to fear. Thanks to Laura’s guidance, my birthing experience was not only empowering but also peaceful and swift. Every decision felt informed, leaving no room for surprises. I’m already excited about the possibility of experiencing it all again”.

“It was a delight to learn hypnobirthing with Laura. She has a very calm and empathetic approach and her passion for hypnobirthing is infectious. Even my sceptical husband was a complete convert and the birthing experience brought us closer together than ever imaginable. I can’t recommend Laura highly enough. She is engaging and fun to be around and even after the course had finished she was always there to answer questions. It was such a transformation from my first birth and I wish I had learnt hypnobirthing for both experiences.”

“I was skeptical about hypnobirthing when I found out I was pregnant. My default plan was to load up on drugs or go for the “easy” option—a C-section—if things got too intense. With my medical background, I figured leaving childbirth to the pros was the safest. Laura’s course completely changed everything for me and my husband. It was like a breath of fresh air, putting all our doubts and worries to rest. Laura’s approach was logical and evidence-based, and she made it clear that “hypnobirthing” is a bit of a misnomer. It’s really just about tapping into our natural abilities to birth comfortably and efficiently. Her sessions were fun and never felt preachy or pushy, she was supportive of our original choice to have an elective C-section but encouraged us to learn about the incredible process of labour and do some research. Our hypnobirthing journey was amazing. After doing some research, I felt the safest place to give birth was at home and that’s what I did -no interventions! It was amazing. Laura’s course wasn’t just about hypnobirthing techniques. It opened our eyes to a whole new way of approaching labour and birth. We can’t thank Laura enough for the incredible experience, and we will recommend her to everyone.”

I offer exclusively private courses to couples at a more reasonable cost as I truly believe that teaching couples in a private setting allows for genuine openness and comfort, which are key to addressing any questions or fears that arise. Within hypnobirthing, we look at the profound significance of nurturing a sanctuary of safety and trust. It is paramount that couples feel unequivocally at ease, empowered to explore and inquire about any facet of their journey without reservation. This environment encourages not only inquiry but a profound interrogation of concepts, fostering a depth of understanding and empowerment unparalleled in its efficacy.

The course is a full antenatal education course to help you release fears and build your confidence and covers:

  • How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort

  • Knowledge and information about pregnancy and birth that you are unlikely to be told anywhere else

  • How ‘the system’ that you find yourself in works, and how to work with it to achieve the best result for you

  • Pros and cons of different birth places

  • The different stages of labour

  • Methods of intervention – including induction

  • Types of pain relief

  • Understanding how the mind and body work together

  • How the birth partner can be your powerful protector and support

  • What happens after your baby arrives

You will also be giving a simple practice regime to support you at home including:

  • Breathing exercises

  • Deep relaxations

  • Visualisations

  • Comforting massage