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What teachers say
Fulfilling and enlightening
Thank you so much for this week virtual Teacher Training. It was a wonderful week, very fulfilling and enlightening. I have found it…
Incredibly excited to teach
The friendliness of the trainers and how approachable they both were made it easy for me to go to them with any questions….
Wealth of knowledge
What did I like about the course? The interaction between the 2 trainers – two very different types of birth “geeks” gave a…
Re-invigorated my passion
I enjoyed every aspect of the course. The trainers are so so knowledgeable and have shared this so wonderfully with the group. I…
Mindblowing and a revelation
The amount of information was mindblowing and a revelation. To be in a room with people who share the same goals and to…
Quality is brilliant
Having cared for many hypnobirthing families I can see that the level of quality in what couples are being taught with KGH is…
More than I thought
I think it is not clear outside the course that it is an antenatal course with hypnosis/meditative techniques. – Helen
“You will find that teaching KGHypnobirthng is supremely satisfying and a massive privilege. It’s fun too. Birth is the most important event of a baby’s life, and giving birth is one of the most important events of a woman’s life. As a kgh teacher you have made a difference to a baby that could last a lifetime. You will love the course, and when you receive the first birth report from a woman you taught you will truly understand the positive difference you have made to someone’s life.”
Katharine Graves,
Founder of KGHypnobirthing
Founder of KGHypnobirthing
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