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What teachers say

Educational and interesting

Thank you; it has been both educational and interesting for the first time I believe! Samantha

A life changing experience

Hi Katharine, I am safe and sound, back in Qatar with my beautiful family. Aaron met me at the airport and was so excited!!! It was just lovely to …

The most wonderful, fulfilling course

Dear Katharine, Thank you so much for the most wonderful, fulfilling course.  The words “This is me” keeping popping in my head meaning I real…

Im so glad I waited for your course, rather than another.

Katharine, Many many thanks for this amazing experience.  I’m so glad I waited for your course, rather than another.  I can’t begin to t…

Opening up a whole new world

Dear Katharine, Thank you so much for opening up a whole new world for me.  What a fantastic way to serve others and you have shared this with…

Fantastic experience

Katharine, I find it hard to express in words just how fantastic this whole experience has been for me. You have inspired me,…

The course was absolutely wonderful

I enrolled on Katharine’s Hypnobirthing Practitioner course (which I completed only yesterday!). She is a lovely lady, the course was absolutely wo…

A wonderful weekend

Dear Katharine, Thank You so much for a wonderful weekend. I loved it and feel that i am a little bit more prepared…

“You will find that teaching KGHypnobirthng is supremely satisfying and a massive privilege. It’s fun too. Birth is the most important event of a baby’s life, and giving birth is one of the most important events of a woman’s life. As a kgh teacher you have made a difference to a baby that could last a lifetime. You will love the course, and when you receive the first birth report from a woman you taught you will truly understand the positive difference you have made to someone’s life.”

Katharine Graves,
Founder of KGHypnobirthing
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