Today is World Hypnobirthing Day!
The celebration always falls on March 21st, the first day of Spring, which symbolises birth and new beginnings. This isn’t something just for our KGH followers – regardless of who you learnt with or what school you teach parents with, we all come together on this one day so we can raise awareness around the world of the benefits of hypnobirthing.
Celebrating the immense impact that Hypnobirthing has had on so many women, their birth partners and of course their babies! And how this has changed the lives of birth professionals as they care for these parents-to-be. It’s a day when different hypnobirthing methods come together to help spread the word on the immense impact hypnobirthing has on people’s lives.
At KGH, we give birthing women and their partners the tools and knowledge to have the birth they really want. Hypnobirthing is for all birth situations and truly can be life changing to the mother, her partner and possibly most importantly to the baby itself – I am told frequently that KGH babies are calmer, cry less and feed better. I don’t believe that is a coincidence!
My mission at KGH is for all birthing people to feel powerful and confident, to be empowered with the knowledge we share with them to remember their baby’s birth with happiness and love. Today is the day to share with everyone the power of Hypnobirthing. I hope you will join me in doing so!
Happy World Hypnobirthing Day to you all!
History and Growth of Hypnobirthing
From its infancy with research from Dr. Grantly Dick Reid, work from Ina May and Michelle Leclaire O’Neill, hypnobirthing has come on in leaps and bounds. The graph below shows the growth in interest in the worldwide searches of hypnobirthing (from Google trends). The middle spike shows when Prince George was born in 2014 (with the world’s media speculating if Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, had used hypnobirthing techniques) and the far right spike recently in 2020 is when Kate actually confirmed in a podcast that she had used hypnobirthing for all three of her royal births. On top of this, the rise of high profile celebrities sharing their own hypnobirthing stories, have lead to the steady rise in people in people talking about it and knowing what it actually is!

Celebrate, Connect, Support and Share
Last year, leading hypnobirthing methods joined together to help spread the word and in this second year, we will be sharing some fantastic resources with you. From informative articles, inspirational stories, free resources and some great offers.

Join us on this journey, share your own stories, join in the celebration and we can all make hypnobirthing sky rocket!