“Birthing Archie was the best moment of my life and I feel that this is something I must help to share with other women. I am beaming with excitement to help mothers and their birthing partners to feel positive and calm during their birth, to feel comfortable with any decisions that they make and to know that they can have a birth that is right for both them and their baby.”
Food Blogger Hollie Robinson shares her KGHypnobirthing story:
Have you ever felt strongly that something is so right that you want to get on and do it straight away? Feeling empowered by her hypnobirth, food blogger Hollie Robinson of The Broodie Foodie did just that. She attended a KGHypnobirthing teacher training course to become a hypnobirthing teacher when her son was only 10 weeks old! And we have many other examples of KGHypnobirthing teachers experiencing the same enthusiasm and taking action to make it a reality.
Hollie Robinson gave birth to her gorgeous son Archie on 29 April 2019. She and her partner, Karl, attended a KGHypnobirthing parents’ course when she was in her third trimester after hearing about hypnobirthing from friends. She immediately realised it was how she wanted to birth her baby. She says: “Hypnobirthing was without a shadow of a doubt one of the best things I have ever done, well apart from giving birth and having a beautiful son, but that goes without saying.”
About her hypnobirth, she explains: “Over the course of my pregnancy I prepared myself for not only a natural labour, but also any instances that I may need an intervention. I think this is very important, to know your options and be accepting of a plan B. The feeling of being in control for this moment is of the upmost importance and is only possible once you arm yourself with the information you need.”
She says that as soon as she understood the physiology of birth, something that is a big focus in a KGHypnobirthing course, she was able to “Lose sight of any fears that I may have had regarding childbirth and began to feel at ease with the process.” When Hollie’s surges began, she managed to labour in a serene, controlled and calm way, and she describes Archie’s birth as “empowering and beautiful; something I had never thought was possible.”
“Although my birth had a few twists and turns, I still felt so happy and serene both during and long after the moment, I wholeheartedly believe it is due to KGH helping me to find inner strength, focus and confidence.” This led to Hollie’s decision to sign up to a hypnobirthing teacher training course in London: “birthing Archie was the best moment of my life and I feel that this is something I must help to share with other women. I am beaming with excitement to help mothers and their birthing partners to feel positive and calm during their birth, to feel comfortable with any decisions that they make and to know that they can have a birth that is right for both them and their baby.”
We can’t wait to follow Hollie on her journey as one of our KGH teachers. Inspiring!
Her birth story can be read here and she can be found on Instagram.