The amazing thing for me about having one child was the realization that love isn’t finite.
Rather than being a limited quantity which gets shared across all people to whom you want to give it, there are – in my instance anyway – individual buckets which seem to be endless.
So when we had our first son I suddenly understood that the infinite love I had for him didn’t mean that my infinite love for my wife was lessened. And it turns out that with even more people you love the rule continues to apply.
So it is with great humility and a huge amount of pride and love that I thank my wife for empowering me to introduce our second son.
Born 3 June 2010 at 14:43, weighing 8lb 9 oz (3.870 kg) and at 53cm in length even bigger than his brother if that’s possible to believe.
My wife is beyond awesome.
Lots of love,
Jeff, Kerri, Tenny and Finley