KG Hypnobirthing
Caesarean Stories
The stories below are truly inspiring and demonstrate clearly how KGHypnobirthing will have a positive effect on your birth experience, even when events take an unexpected turn.We also recommend reading our ‘How to have a positive KGHypnobirthing C-Section‘ which details lots of really useful information.
Caesarean Stories

Baby Catherine
Now her due date was Jan 13 2011. Everyone says first babies are late – but in my family we were all early. My sister was a month early and v…

Hypnobirthing really helped
Our baby girl, Mia, arrived safely on March 17th at 11.08am, 7Ib 13 oz. Zac and I are besotted with her and rapidly…

Most positive experience
I did a hypnobirthing course with you early last year and I have been meaning to send you my birth story as I…

I enjoyed the c-section
Hi Katharine
I just wanted to let you know that our baby was born on 23 December 2010. Sorry for not writing sooner- its been a litle hectic …

Hypnobirthing rocks!
Katharine, All I can say is wow. Hypnobirthing rocks! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had an induced labour (waters being broke…
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