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Thank you for your positive words and thoughts. Leon and I are so pleased we attended your HypnoBirthing course . You gave us such an amazing insight and confidence to have Oliver at home!
During my labour we used all the relaxing techniques and burned lavender oils. I was so relaxed I slept through most of the labour! and progressed more when I let my birthing body take over! Our little boy weighed 8lbs and was born into our relaxed home environment. The midwives were amazed by Hypnobirthing and watched in awe!

The labour/birth was amazing and could not have done it without Hypnobirthing– was very long but completely natural and i’m so thankful to receive such a speedy recovery– In hospital i meet mostly woman who had had drugs or C section and they were really suffering for many days in there recovery!!!!

well take care now, and many thanks once again for your wisdom!


Feb 08

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