Two real highs over the last couple of weeks have been the increasingly stronger kicks from the baby and the Hypnobirthing workshop I attended. Baby’s kicks are now so powerful I find myself screaming or jumping out of my seat (yes this is a good thing…) Sometimes if caught really off guard I burst out laughing which must look really strange for people around me – oh well, I’m pregnant and kicks bring me real joy, what can I say?
We’ve learned that the baby is able to recognise our voices now so I’ve taken to saying things like ‘mummy loves you’ and ‘kick for mummy’ – baby only answers back some of the time. Superman insists on having ‘daddy talks’ every evening, with me banned from listening in. Goodness knows what they talk about, but it’s all very sweet!
Hypno birthing – Having completed a two day work shop with Katharine Graves I can say that I am feeling so much more confident about the whole process. Superman’s last words before we entered the class were something along the lines of ‘I’m really going to hate this…’. I went into the class with an open mind but was unsure as to what I could gain from it. At the end of our course I was certain that coming to the class was one of the best decisions I could have made, superman was a changed man, launching into a passionate defence of hypnobirthing when the subject came up at dinner with his mother and sisters. He has been so wonderful helping me with all my exercises.
Katharine was an amazing teacher – patient, extremely knowledgeable with a calming manner and practical approach. Her advice was invaluable and she was also kind enough to give us all lovely samples of her natural beauty range which I loved.