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It was intense, but somehow felt familiar

I laughed, I cried, I vocalized, and before I knew it my baby boy came flying out into my arms. He was perfect.

I am writing you this message as I hold my absolutely beautiful baby in my arms.

I had my dream birth almost 3 weeks ago and it was only possible because of how well I was prepared after taking your online course.

I had been planning for a home birth  as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I refused to do it any other way regardless of all the ‘what ifs’ I was getting from family and friends. My husband was always on my side encouraging me to do what I felt was most natural for me. We moved to Miami a few months ago and I was lucky enough to find a wonderful team of two midwives and two doulas

We were expecting baby to arrive October 17th onwards but I never clung to a due date as I knew that baby would come whenever he was ready.

To my surprise, my waters broke at 38 weeks at 9:30 pm on the 2nd of October after a lovely day with friends at the pool and a cosy dinner at home.

I felt fine but there was a slight issue as there was too much blood gushing out with my waters and my midwives advised that I meet them at the hospital for an emergency ultrasound as they were worried my placenta could be ruptured.

I knew in my heart that nothing was wrong and that this was the way my body was reacting to my waters breaking but I went nonetheless to ease theirs and my husband’s mind.

I spent what I would call a ‘silent early labor’ at the hospital from 10:00 pm till 2:00am.

Hadn’t it been for the information I was shielded with from your course- so much could have gone wrong. The amount of interventions I was offered and the urging from the staff to keep me at the hospital was outrageous!

But I knew better than to let it get to me and I spent those few hours there listening to your meditations and chatting with my husband about how I can’t wait to go back home and birth my baby!

After waiting for 3 hours with staff coming in and out putting negative thoughts into my mind, I finally was able to get an ultrasound which showed a perfect placenta and a perfect healthy looking baby.

I refused the cervical checks and made it clear that I will not accept anyone touching me or checking me down there. I asked to be discharged more times than I can count until I was finally given some papers to sign that stated I would be leaving under my own responsibility. I happily signed off and after 4 long hours my husband was driving me back home.

Our two midwives were with us at the hospital and advised us to go get some rest as I was not feeling my contractions yet and that they would see us in the morning. I laugh now, because six minutes after leaving the hospital I felt my first contraction. It was like my body had refused to feel anything earlier!

As soon as I got home I knew I was already in active labor and asked my husband to call the team as baby was not going to wait for anyone!

I labored on my birthing ball while listening to my wonderful husband playing the hangdrum. My doulas arrived and updated the rest of the team that the baby was coming soon. I then labored and vocalized in the shower until the rest of the team arrived and set up the mood and the birthing pool.

I used your breathing techniques and welcomed the surges as they came. It was intense, but somehow it felt familiar – As if I had done it a thousand times before!

As soon as I got into the pool I felt so much lighter and more relaxed that I didn’t even notice I was in transition. My husband’s loving arms were around me and the room was filled with music and candles and soft lights. I felt like I was floating!

Soon after, the pushing urge began. I breathed and pushed gently with each surge. It was as if my body and my baby knew exactly what to do. I danced, I laughed, I cried, I vocalized, and before I knew it my baby boy came flying out into my arms. He was perfect. He gave us a slight cry as to announce his arrival.  I held him while my husband held me. We cried as we welcomed our little angel earth side. He arrived at 6:51 am at sunrise and the whole experience was over in about 4 hours!

It didn’t take baby long to latch and start feeding. Well deserved as he has worked so hard to get here!

We were left alone for skin to skin with our boy and opted for optimal cord cutting. There were no bright lights, no cold hands, no one was rubbing on my baby or separating him from me. I was not checked for dilation even once. I was not given instructions to push. There were no interventions whatsoever. It really felt as if the whole room was giving birth with me – uninterrupted and so so beautiful! I trusted my body and baby to know what to do and they trusted me back.

I am so grateful for this magical experience that I am still trying to process- for the confidence you gave me, and for being cared for by the best team and surrounded with so much love.

Our baby boy had such a peaceful transition into the world and gave us a memory to cherish forever <3

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