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I am so grateful

On 4th of Feb I woke up at 6am to mild contractions. Aware that these things can take a while and feeling relaxed and positive, we decided to have a chilled day, watching movies, eating food to keep our energy up and putting into practise all the techniques we had learnt from our hypnobirthing course.

We felt really empowered to have a home both even though this was our first baby because of all that we had learnt, and by 3pm my husband was advised to start setting up the birthing pool.

By 11pm, my surges were coming fast, and when a midwife came out to check me over I was 4cm dilated. Up to this point I had been using the up breathing and visualisations to stay in control and remain calm, my husband counting for me and holding my hand as I did this. After this point I took the gas and air offered, which really helped me stay in control of my breathing, got into the pool and by 1:47am (on her due date!) our beautiful girl was born in the water.

I am so grateful to have had such a wonderful birth and I really attribute this to taking part in your course. I felt so in control and empowered. I’m going to preach the wonders of hypnobirthing to anyone who will listen from now on! 

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