Your online course gave me and my baby the best birth experience we could have hoped for!
I was terrified of labour before, after having overheard birth stories and birth-tips at the age of 22.
Learning about how the body functions and trusting that “the baby knows best” gave me the best preparation possible.
When I went into labour, we went to the hospital way too early as I was just 1 cm open but we decided I’d stay there anyways.
The doctors kept saying it would probably take until the morning for anything to happen but after about 6 hrs on a hospital bed I decided I wanted to go home so I could wait it out in the shower under hot running water.
I finally convinced the obstetricians to let me go home & they reluctantly agreed. After all, it was 1am at this point. Before they let me go though they wanted to check if/how open I was. Only then did anyone realise (myself included) that I was already in active labour and judging by how far down the head was, I had been for a while. The fact that I had remained so calm and composed and always responding that I felt good had completely “fooled them”.
Since it was my first birth I didn’t realise that the downward pressure I started to feel was me entering active labour. I just kept breathing and visualising and tuning into my body’s wisdom. Had it not been for my hip muscles cramping with every contraction, I probably would have birthed my baby alone on that hospital bed before anyone realised what was going on. Instead my boyfriend was called and told to come ASAP cause otherwise he might miss the show!
I’d managed to ask for the birth-pool and as soon as I got into the warm water and muscle tension went away and I could completely relax into my body’s guidance. It knew exactly what to do and less than an hour later my son was born. And the placenta followed very soon after too.
I didn’t tear or suffer any damage and my body has recuperated faster than I could have imagined and I’m so sure it had to do with the preparation I had.
My entire experience felt so calm, guided and I understand know what you mean when you talk about birth as powerful- not painful. I didn’t feel any pain but it was the most powerful experience I’ve ever had.
So thank you for creating this course. It changed everything for me/us!
Much love,