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Libby, Salisbury

Our midwife said we made her week, that she enjoyed our birth so much, and she is a HypnoBirthing convert now.  Word soon got around the ward that I had been a HypnoBirthing mum.

HypnoBirthing gave me absolute confidence in the birthing process and more knowledge to feel in control of the situation.  It gave my husband the ability to say, and do, just the right things at the right time, which was a support to me and made him feel a valuable part of the birthing process.

We both feel sure that my labour progressed as quickly and efficiently as possible because HypnoBirthing had given me the techniques to optimise the whole process, and my midwife was amazed how in control and calm we were and she said how much she had enjoyed the whole process and the natural delivery.

I am happy to recommend anyone to HypnoBirthing.


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