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Sally Anderson

Dear Katharine,

I attended your hypno birthing class almost 6 years ago in preparation for the birth of our first son. Since then I have welcomed two more little boys into the world, with my youngest born just 10 days ago.

I wanted to thank you so much for your class and the knowledge you passed on all those years ago. Each of my boys was able to experience a beautiful, calm and totally natural birth because of all the preparation provided by your course (and despite all three being born in different countries!). I have also found the birth experience extremely empowering, with each giving me a greater appreciation for the miracles my body can perform. Instead of recalling fear, pain or intervention, I hold all three of my labours as my most prized memories.

I felt compelled to thank you for the work you do and let know the wonderful life long impact that your class has had on me and my family. I couldn’t resist attaching a photo of my three hypno birthing babies!

Kind regards,

Sally Anderson

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