Homebirth With Group B Strep – Angela Horn
GBS is not routinely tested for in the UK because the expert opinion is that the increased intervention arising from the high number of positive tests is not justified by the benefits as GBS is often a transient infection. This is the recommendation of t…
Many pregnant women suffer from sickness in pregnancy. It used to be called Morning Sickness but this was inaccurate as, although for many women the sickness may only happen in the morning, for others it can go on all day. Most women find that they return to normal after the first trimester. For …
Present Situation:
We often hear pregnant women say, “They don’t allow me to ……. at my hospital,” or “They induce at …… weeks,” etc. etc.
You hear women being told by their midwife, “I’ll make an appointment for your induction next week,” without consultation or information, and sometimes even w…
You have read the survivors’ guide, listened to your mother and aunties, and seemingly half the world has given you their tips for being pregnant. Yet most Mums will tell you they would do things differently second time round. Here we have a number of tips for your pregnancy from our favourite …
Risks and responsibilities arising from Prenatal Ultrasound
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 2012:
Cohain JS.
Most people love the occasional scary movie. Adrenalin is released, your heart beat increases and at the end, if it was a really good movie, you have to deliberately calm yourself by remi…
Congratulations on your pregnancy. It is such an exciting time and full of new experiences.
You will find there are numerous lifestyle changes that will ensure you and your baby are happy and healthy during your pregnancy. Nutrition is central to this and the effects are widely known …
Social scientists have shown in many studies over the years that supportive touch can have good outcomes in a number of different realms. Consider the following examples: If a teacher touches a student on the back or arm, that student is more likely to participate in class. The more athletes high…