I’m absolutely delighted to see the results coming from the Kingston homebirth team where we have trained Kingston midwives in KGHypnobirthing. When I teach KGH to mums, one of their big worries if they choose to give birth at home is,
“What if we need to transfer?”
These figures will put their minds at rest so more women will feel comfortable choosing to give birth in what is the safest place for many of them – home. The figures will also show other hospitals what can be achieved with support for the midwives from their head of midwifery, which gives the midwives the confidence to give mothers the best support in physiological birth. True midwives being ‘with women’.
From the Kingston Hospital Homebirth team:
“We’re proud to share our stats for the last 12 months – showing great outcomes for women and babies. As we know, homebirth is a safe option for women who are healthy and having a straightforward pregnancy. More and more of you are choosing home as your preferred place to give birth – especially in the current circumstances – and these stats show what we already know from much bigger studies: that planning a homebirth increases the chances of a straightforward vaginal birth, even if you transfer to hospital during the labour. Isn’t it also amazing that our largest baby was exactly double the size of our smallest baby?!”
Further Home Birth Resources
Women have the right to give birth where-ever they choose and to receive proper care. Some women are told they have to come into the unit because of the shortage of midwives. We all need to maintain the pressure to keep homebirth services available. My personal solution is why not delay induction of labour which takes a huge amount of midwifery time because of the likelihood of complications which would release the midwives to support women giving birth at home.
For women who are planning a homebirth, we have some further resources available here:
- Homebirth Questions
- Read Katharines’ observations on homebirth
- Study supports planned home birth as the safest place to give birth
- Homebirth stories
- Sign up for our free resources including a homebirth fact sheet here.