Thank you Ella @deliciouslyella for sharing your story with us. I am eternally grateful to all who share their birth experiences publicly. It helps empower other pregnant women, filling them with confidence and keeping that essential oxytocin flowing.
“I called our midwife at 10 to say maybe this was different, my mum came to collect Skye at 10.30 and May came into this world in the dark, with our fave candles burning and music playing in a birthing pool at home just after midnight. Birth is a physical sensation like nothing else, hers was gentle but still so hard. The weeks of intensity had given us such preparation though, we were so ready and she arrived after about two hours of active labour.” Read Ella’s full story:
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May’s birth story ❤️ Birth is such a hugely emotive, personal topic and there’s no right or wrong way to bring a baby into the world. May’s birth was so different to Skye and taught me more about letting go, switching off and being present than almost anything ever has. Her labour was either four and a half weeks long or two and a half hours, depending how you look at it. I had prodromal labour from just before 36 weeks, which meant hours of contractions almost everyday, which would then just stop. It meant I had to stop working earlier than I thought and tune into all the techniques I’ve learnt through Deliciously Ella to keep me present and calm as I rode the emotional rollercoaster of the pretty intense daily physical sensations, the exhaustion of not sleeping when they’d happen at night and the constant anxiety of whether this was real or not. This carried on for four and a half weeks until last Wednesday evening, we went to bed early with soup and David Attenborough, the first contraction rolled in just as Matt went to sleep and I called our midwife at 10 to say maybe this was different, my mum came to collect Skye at 10.30 and May came into this world in the dark, with our fave candles burning and music playing in a birthing pool at home just after midnight. Birth is a physical sensation like nothing else, hers was gentle but still so hard. The weeks of intensity had given us such preparation though, we were so ready and she arrived after about two hours of active labour. Matt was the most unbelievable birth partner, feeding me coconut water and peanut butter and breathing through every contraction with me, and we were supported by the most brilliant midwife and doula who gave us such confidence and reassurance. May crawled to the boob, we waited to birth the placenta when it was ready and then we all got tucked into bed a few hours later. We feel so incredibly fortunate to have had this experience and have you to thank for that. Lots of our readers shared positive birth stories when I was pregnant with Skye, which got us researching hypnobirthing and home births and we’re endlessly grateful for that ❤️❤️❤️ pic by @vicky_chilten_photography
A post shared by Deliciously Ella (@deliciouslyella) on Oct 16, 2020 at 1:56am PDT