We are very pleased to be featured in Mother & Baby Magazine (May 2016) with ‘The Secrets of a Hypnobirthing Specialist’ talking about keeping your due date quiet:
Not telling family and friends your due date could help you stay calm as you prepare to give birth, says hypnobirthing specialist Katharine Graves.
‘The question that everyone asks you when you are pregnant is, “When’s the baby due?”
The problem is that the obsession with due dates causes stress when that day arrives and the baby hasn’t. The onslaught of calls and texts starts on, or sometimes before that date.
‘When we are stressed, neither our mind nor our body works well, and if the body is not working well, labour is longer. A good way of avoiding stress is to keep your baby’s due date a closely guarded secret from friends and family. Babies don’t tell us their due date until they get here, so wait until your baby chooses to arrive.
‘When we are calm, the body produces the hormone oxytocin that makes labour efficient, and endorphins that make it comfortable, so the perfect system is already created in every woman’s body. All we have to do is get out of the way and let it work.’
The Mother & Baby Magazine gives a wealth of knowledge for mums, further details can be found at www.motherandbaby.co.uk
Here are a couple of helpful links for pregnant Mums about their pregnancy lenght and due dates: