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Birth Stories

We could never have anticipated how grateful we would be for having done the KGH weekend course. I went into labour three weeks…
Our baby was born this morning at 10:16am. He is gorgeous and we are so happy. It is magical. I will love to have…
Our Birth Experience was surreal and beautiful. Sarah was born in 34 minutes of me arriving at the Birth Centre.  My waters broke…
This is the story of the birth of our son Daniel. I want to write this down for lots of reasons. First, for…
As I write this, Daniel was born a week ago, following an eventful, emotional and stressful three days of labour. I want to…
I did a hypnobirthing course with you early last year and I have been meaning to send you my birth story as I…
Hi Katharine, Florence Alice Byrne was born on 4th January weighing 9lbs 9oz! It was a very different experience to last time with…
Dear Katharine, I am Padma from India, residing in the UK. I attended your Hypnobirthing class last August at St. Thomas London. Me…
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