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Fearless Birthing: Great HypnoBirthing interview and testimonials!

Here is a link to a great HypnoBirthing site in the USA. Kim Wildner pracices HypnoBirthing in Wisconsin USA, but here has an interview and a little other information that should interest anyone considering HypnoBirthing.

See extract from a post below from Kim….

“I’ve been far too busy to do the blogging I’ve been wanting to do! However, one thing I did do recently was this interview with Sheri Menelli (link below), author of Journey Into Motherhood: Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth, and it turned out great! She called a couple of my past clients to talk about their experience, and the link here is the end result.”

Fearless Birthing: Great HypnoBirthing interview and testimonials!

Katharine Graves is the teacher at The HypnoBirthing Centre, where she runs HypnoBirthing Courses in London and Southern England for expectant couples.

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