An encouraging message from a midwife about of natural birth in Plymouth.
There are constant small signs of progress, and it’s good to see a major step forward like this:
“I don’t know if you keep up with the maternity news in Plymouth but you may have heard about the new Head of Midwifery who took up post last year.
She is an ex-independent midwife and has introduced a case loading team for women wanting homebirths. In the first 6 months the HB rate has gone from 1.8% to 4.8%. They have had to expand the team and she invited me to apply for a post. The great news is I was successful and start my new job in May.
It’s back to wonderful continuity of care for us and we are even allowed to support women who fall outside the guidelines for homebirth; last year they had a twin HB (I was lucky enough to attend in a photography capacity!) and we have heard a rumour that a VBAC is going to be supported in the coming months. Progress indeed!!!
As it is true case loading we “work” women not hours so once I have my foot well and truly in the door I will start hinting at running hypnobirthing classes for those couples who want it. I feel very positive about the way things are going at present what with ARM’s new vision and the maternity coalition which I believe you have also supported, maybe things really are going to change for the better.”