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Katharine’s Hypnobirthing Blog

What has my holiday in Italy got to do with hypnobirthing? Last year I was invited to Italy by Alice Parkinson to train a group of KGHypnobirthing…
Birth stories are one of the highlights of this job, but even more so when the baby arrives upside down! Many breach babies are now routinely deli…
As part of our professional development programme for KG Hypnobirthing teachers we provide a variety of training courses.  We recently ran an …
Recent press articles have highlighted issues with NHS policies regarding caesarean births.   Highlighted in the BBC is a warning by the coro…
We were very happy to hear about the progress of hypobirthing at the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary in Wigan.  They have a launch event upcomin…
KG Hypnobirthing is very proud to be supporting the Doula UK Conference being held on 19th March in London. This precedes World Doula Week which co…
The first of a series of two reports published by The Lancet has revealed the extent that breast feeding could benefit mothers, babies and the glob…
It was a privilege to recently teach KG Hypnobirthing to Sandi Thom and her husband Matt Benson. Sandi, a singer/song writer from Scotland…
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